Save My Seat is a ticket reservation app that lets customers purchase tickets for movies and reserve seats in advance.
For this project, we decided to use a goal-directed design method which revolves around focusing on our persona creation and goals. The goal for this project was to p
rovide a seamless & linear purchasing experience for users and to design a cohesive interface for familiar and unfamiliar users
Stage 1: Discover
" I spend a lot of time watching new movies at the theater but I hate waiting in line for tickets" - Adrian
Stage 2: Define
User Journey
To simplify Adrian's journey and ensure she can achieve his goals with the product, I analyzed his steps and created a journey map. Using persona insights, I focused on the most important user goals and developed solutions based on insights. 
One major insight was the need for group seating. We also added the option of advanced ticket purchasing to prevent users from having to wait in line to purchase tickets. These design decisions were done to improve the user experience and ensure easy navigation through the product. 
Stage 3: Ideate
After sketching out some wire frames and thinking through the preliminary flow, I reviewed what was necessary, unnecessary, and what areas needed improvement. I poured a lot of our time into this step to make sure I had the finishing touches on the underlying UX before moving onto the visuals.
I constructed a user flow of what a basic start to finish journey looks like while purchasing a ticket. This helped in understanding ways users can interact with the product, as well as allowing us to see navigation through user goals.  The wireframe worked to give a visual representation of what the users journey through the app would be like. 
Stage 4: Design & Test

User Testing 
I conducted a testing round to identify usability challenges. The main objective of the usability test was to assess the user friendliness of the app. After creating our prototype from low fidelity wireframes, our team prepared a 16 question survey for participants to fill out before we began conducting a usability test. We asked 5 different participants to run through different scenarios in our prototype in hopes of garnering enough feedback to use for our next set of design iterations. User insights revealed key insights, including the need to add group seating, advanced purchasing of tickets and an updated payment system.    
UI Design
After the usability testing phase, I proceeded with the design of the final screens utilizing Adobe Xd. My visual style was red and orange complementary colors which was influenced by the results of my competitive research audit. using specific coloring on important features of the app, helps the user navigate efficiently and allows a seamless transition through the features of the app for new users. During the final design process, my goal was to prioritize the visuals by using a card system to show the new and upcoming movies. By simplifying the seat reservation process into a simple steps and removing any distractions, this design enhances the user experience.  
Stage 5: Reflects

As a movie lover, Save My Seat is an idea that I felt was very necessary and important to people who also loved movies and had trouble getting the opportunity to see them.  I wanted to create an app that would guarantee users the chance to see movies no matter how popular.  This was my first time using the goal-directed design process and I can definitely see it being useful in future projects. The idea of honing in on the persona hypothesis creation to help further the goals the user is one that I think I will use a lot more in the future. 

My Role 
Ux Designer
Research Lead

6 Weeks
Tools Used
Adobe Xd
Adobe Illustrator 
Adobe Photoshop
User Interviews, Personas
Competitive Analysis, User Journey Map
User Story, Sitemap, Sketches, Wireframes
Prototypes, Usability Test, Style Guide 

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