Pauly's Pizza is a regional pizza maker located in the suburbs of a metropolitan area. Pauly's Pizza strives to deliver healthy, specialty pizzas and side dishes. They offer a wide spectrum of competitive pricing. Pauly's Pizza targets customers like commuters and workers who lack the time or ability to prepare a family dinner. The goal was to Design the visual interface for a mobile pizza app, that allows users to easily order and pick up a variety of different pizza options.

In the initial design phase, I made sure to base screen designs on feedback and findings from research on users and other pizza apps.

Easy access to navigation that’s screen reader friendly.

Early designs allowed for some customization, but after the research on pizza apps, I added additional options to choose pizza crust and sauce. I also revised the design so users see all the customization options when they first land on the screen
The research I did into pizza apps revealed possible issues with the checkout flow. To streamline this flow, I consolidated the “Current order” and “Checkout screens” to one “Order summary” screen. I also added the pickup or delivery option to this screen.
The final prototype presented cleaner user flows for building a pizza and checkout. It also met user needs for a pickup or delivery option as well as more customization.

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