I was asked to turn this client into a video game character; 2B, from the game, NieR:Automata. To illustrate her as the character, I decided to turn her white to match the color of 2B. In addition I decided to make her hair glow and give her an eye covering, to replicate the video game aesthetic of the character she is portraying.

I was asked to illustrate this client as the anime character; Re, Sk8theinfinity. To illustrate her as the character I simply choose to change her hair color and replicate her clothes. This illustration choice was made due to her wearing the same clothes as the character she was portraying.

For this illustration the goal was to illustrate myself into an amalgamation of characters from the anime; Naruto. To start the process , I wanted to take recognizable aspects of popular characters from the show and add them to myself. The headbands, the eye and the scar were added as unique features that represent specific characters from the anime

For this picture the goal was to give this illustration of Doctor Octopus a sense of scale and uniqueness in relation to the comic book character. I added the cityscape to give the illustration a greater sense of size. In addition, I gave the lights on the tentacles a red glow in resemblance to the comic character and to add a sense of menace.